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The A, ‘Bee,’ C’s of Bee Pest Control in Arizona

Getting stung by a bee is not much fun. Having a hive swarm around the outside of your home? Even less so. KY-KO Pest is Phoenix’s source for quality bee pest control. Here are some of the types of bees that you may encounter in Arizona:

Honey Bees

Honey Bees are common in Arizona, and are one of the state’s primary pollinators. While they do have barbed stingers that carry venom, honey bees are far less aggressive than the Africanized Honey Bee or the Yellowjacket and only swarm to attack when they feel their hive is truly threatened.

In fact, perhaps the most dangerous aspect of the honey bee for the non-allergic is that it looks very similar to the Killer Bee, and both in turn look somewhat like a Yellow Jacket wasp. We’d recommend not getting too close to a hive if you’re not sure. Instead, give us a call, and we’ll send a trained technician out to safely inspect.

The “Killer Bee”

Within the last thirty years, a new, more aggressive species of bee has proliferated in Arizona: the Africanized Honey Bee. An invasive species, the Africanized Honey Bee—popularly known as the “Killer Bee”—has been difficult to contain, due to their ability to outcompete other bee species and their dominant genes.

Their moniker has been earned. Killer Bees are dangerous: while their venom is no more potent than the average honey bee, Africanized Bees are far more aggressive at protecting their hive, and attack those who get too close with a furious swarm that will pursue intruders up to half a mile away. This being the case, fatalities from bee stings are extremely rare. Most of the people who suffer serious injury or death from these bees are stung hundreds, if not thousands, of times, and find themselves unable to escape to a car or home. Because of their lower body weight, pets are even more likely to die from a Killer Bee swarm.

Killer Bees will build their nests in whatever is around, including old tires, boxes, sheds, or even abandoned cars. Most people encounter them by accident while cleaning up their yard or property. The Africanized Bee looks very similar to normal honeybees, so if you notice a hive, give KY-KO a call immediately. Do not attempt to remove the hive yourself. Our state-certified technicians are trained to deal with Africanized Bee removal, and have the equipment and supplies needed to do the job with sufficient protection.

Yellow Jackets

Okay, Yellow Jackets are not technically bees. They’re actually wasps. They do, however, look like many species of bees to the untrained eye, and they often build their nests in similar areas. Yellow Jackets build distinctive-looking hives out of wood fiber that some describe as looking like a deflated basketball papier-mâché.

They do have a few distinguishing features: unlike honeybees, Yellow Jackets are larger, and aren’t covered in pollen-carrying hairs. Like Africanized Bees, Yellow Jackets are dangerous in swarms. While they do have the capacity to sting more than once on their own, Yellow Jackets aren’t lethal as individuals. Disturbing a large nest, however, can lead to an aggressive swarm.

If you suspect that Yellow Jackets have settled in your backyard shed or garage, give KY-KO Pest a call. We can safely remove Yellow Jackets before they pose a danger to your pets and family.